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Histology of human skeletal muscle under


My name is Elena Heiss and I am am an undergraduate student studying Dance and Biology at the University of New Mexico. I was previously a dancer with a professional company for a number of years when I injured my foot and knee. I sought help from various healthcare providers but did not greatly improve until I found a provider was knowledgeable about dance related injuries. Soon after I stopped dancing to pursue my interest in healthcare. This website houses my capstone project which explores strengthening and stretching exercises to help prevent and rehabilitate injuries in the various joints of the body. If you would like to know more information about my story, please visit the link below.


According to Merriam Webster Dictionary, metamorphosis is defined as the, "change of physical form, structure, or substance especially by supernatural means." The human body undergoes substantial changes throughout the course of it existence. From a single celled zygote at conception to a fully developed adult to until even past death, the body undergoes meaningful anatomical and physiological transformations.


In the course of my experience as a dancer, my body was greatly affected by mr art.  In fact, every artists body whether a painter, dancer, sculptor is affected by their art. As a dancer I had to drastically change and refine the way my body moved and conveyed expression. As a result, some muscles grew stronger, some became weaker in comparison and in some instances injury occurred. My goal with this project was to compile exercises that help strengthen and stretch muscle groups surrounding specific joints to prevent injury and in the case of injury, begin on the road to recovery. 

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